Emmy Stanton

Emmy Stanton – Background


1965-67 Two years of art school at Newark School of Fine and Industrial Arts:major in painting and a minor in sculpture.
1989-91 Approx. 25 credits at Northern Nevada Community College.
2005     C-Para pro Assessment certificate-Horry County School District and substitute teaching certificate.

2016-present: I am retired and doing art work and displaying in the Seacoast Artist’s Guild and at Yoga in Common, I  have re-activated my Red Cross Volunteer work.
2007-2015: I am a volunteer for the Red Cross. I have been in-active due to working full-time and assisting a family member who is disabled. I have also volunteered with the Humane Society and will become a registered volunteer this year.

Presently: retired and doing art work….
Site Director for the YMCA after school program for ages 5-13. Part-time position: taught art and supervised organized activities.
1991-1992: teacher’s aide for the mentally and physically challenged in Park High School, Livingston, Montana.
Rural art teacher in the public schools of Humboldt County-Winnemucca, Nevada.
Artist/painter/batik artist. Taught all ages the art of Batiking.